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Sec. 1. The Province Officers shall be: Immediate-past Satrap, Satrap, Vice Satrap, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Chaplain, and Webmaster. These Officers shall be elected from the Collegiate and Graduate Members in the Province, with the exception of the Province Supervisor(s) and the Immediate-past Satrap.


Sec. 2. The Grand Regent shall appoint a Province Supervisor and/or Assistant Supervisor as Province Officers. The Province Supervisor and/or Assistant Supervisor shall not have voting rights within the Province.


Sec. 3. All Province Officers except Province Supervisor(s) and Immediate-Past Satrap, shall be nominated and elected on an annual basis at the Spring Province Assembly, beginning Spring Province 2014, and will serve a one (1) year term. Webmaster will be nominated and elected at the Spring Province 2013. Brothers must be in attendance at the meeting in order to be eligible for election, unless there are extenuating circumstances and the Brother prepares a campaign speech to be read on their behalf at the meeting.


Sec. 4. The Vice Satrap shall chair the Awards Committee and be responsible for verifying all aspects of the awards.


The Province Secretary will attend to all correspondence of the Southwest Province including, but not limited to the Province Supervisor(s), Central Office, Collegiate and Graduate Chapters within the Province.


The Province Treasurer shall send each Chapter in the Province, at least fourty-five (45) days prior to the due date, a chapter dues statement and invoice, including directions on how dues should be paid.


The Historian shall act as Editor of the Southwest Province Newsletter, to be distributed at least twice a year and shall keep the Province Anthology updated. The Historian shall submit at least two Province articles per year to The Mask.


The Chaplain shall be responsible for coordinating a Southwest Province philanthropy project with chapter participation between Province Assemblies benefiting an organization or project selected by the Assembly.


The Webmaster shall be in charge of maintaining the Southwest Province website, which consists of posting all contact information for the Province, officer reports, monthly updates, and working in conjunction with the Historian to post photographs of Southwest Province events. The Webmaster will facilitate all Chapters in the Province developing websites and ensure each Chapter’s website is linked to the Province and National websites.


Sec. 5. The Province Executive Committee may designate a particular Chapter to serve as a “Permanent Archives,” and a member of that Chapter shall be appointed by the Satrap to serve as “archivist.”

Kappa Psi Southwest Province

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